glossaire du yoga : inscription breathe sur un mur végétal


The yoga glossary, the bible for the uninitiated

Reading time : 2 min


Quelques mots pour s’initier au yoga

Ah Yoga, its fascinating universe and its… complex notions! Whether you want to practice dynamic yoga (Vinyasa) or gentle yoga (Hatha yoga), you won't escape it. So, even if Poses® makes your task easier by adopting vocabulary that everyone can understand, this glossary could be useful to you. The essential Namaste at the most technical Pranayama, on vous explique clairement et simplement ce qu’il se cache derrière ces notions de yoga. Apprendre le yoga c’est bien, en comprenant c’est encore mieux ! 

Namaste: polite formula used, among other things, to greet someone. Namaste is usually pronounced with the hands clasped in front of the chest and the head bowed. 

Dynamic yoga : physical and sports yoga practice. The sequences are invigorating, fluid and punctuated by breathing. Dynamic yoga is different from gentle yoga (Hatha). 

Vinyasa: dynamic type of yoga based on the synchronization of movement and breathing. A free, rhythmic and creative yoga. Poses® is inspired by Vinyasa yoga! 

Ashtanga: type of dynamic and intense yoga which consists of performing a series of postures in a very precise order. Each posture must be acquired before moving on to the next one. 

Flow: combination of movements, postures (Asanas) and transitions. THE Flows Pose signatures® are exclusive, complete and accessible! 

Free Flow: practice of free and instinctive yoga. Everyone is free to choose their postures and transitions according to their level, their needs and their desires at the moment. 

Pulse®: fitness part of a yoga class at Poses® (yoga studio in Paris). These sequences combine muscle strengthening, isometrics and bodyweight exercises. 

Props: accessories used to facilitate the achievement of certain postures. They are particularly useful when starting yoga! 

Block : accessory in the form of a brick, foam or cork, used to position yourself comfortably, stretch, find your balance or maintain good alignment. 

Studio POSES : unique, inclusive and accessible yoga practice inspired by the best of dynamic yoga (Vinyasa yoga) and fitness (Pulse®). Each session is an invitation to reconnect your body and mind through Flows rhythmic and complete. For a visual and sound immersion (Hip-Hop playlists, Indie Rock, etc.) around yoga in Paris, it's happening at POSES Studio!

Asana: physical yoga posture. Each Flow is composed of several Asanas

Chakra: energy center in the body. Connected together, the 7 main chakras are found along the spine. We "open your chakras" For find the right balance.

Karma: an action, in the broad sense. It is also the principle that our actions in the past have effects on our present. 

Mudra: gesture or posture of the fingers and hands. The best known is the one which consists of touching the tip of the thumb with the index finger, keeping the other three fingers tense. 

Mantra: sacred sound phrase or composition. A Mantra is recited and repeated internally or out loud. 

Om: THE Mantra of all the Mantras. Pronounced “Ommmm”, this sound produces a soothing vibration for the body and mind. Try it, you'll see! 

Pranayama: breathing control. Breathing exercises in yoga allow you to relax and circulate energy.