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You may not know it, but it exists several types of ground bar. Indeed, this practice has been developing for several years and is becoming a star discipline ! From the practices of dancers for warm up their joints, muscles and flexibility, the floor bar has inspired many people who have modulated the discipline according to their needs. We tell you more!
There are many different types of floor bar: cardio bar, contemporary floor bar, classic floor bar, yoga bar, Pilates bar, etc. You can get lost if you don't know the differences between these practices. Follow us to find out more!
The floor bar, also known as the floor bar, is a discipline created by Boris Kniaseff, a famous ballet master.
For the record, it was once installed in his dance school in Switzerland that he learned that the building was classified as a historic monument. This means that he cannot do all the work he wants, including installing bars on the walls.
Having no other alternatives, he then has the idea of make your students work on the ground, by moving the exercises, initially performed standing and on the bars hung on the walls. It was from this moment that the floor bar was born!
With the years, the practice has evolved to meet other types of needs than those of classical dancers. Indeed, several sub-disciplines have been created, mixing several disciplines.
The floor bar has many benefits for the body. Among the benefits we include:
To find out more about the main benefits of the floor bar, check out our article on the subject!
You aim to lose weight effectively ? No need to force yourself to go to the gym without really knowing what exercises you should do.
The solution for weight loss that respects your body is before your eyes: the bar on the ground. Being a complete discipline, it targets all parts of your body for optimal results.
From the classic dance, the bar on the ground allows you tolengthen your muscles without making them swell, which tones your figure. You also work on your posture and your head carriage to promote a slender stance of your whole body.
Obviously, your lifestyle must be consistent with your goal. It is therefore advisable tobe regular and to also practice a physical activity that works your cardio, without forgetting to adopt a balanced diet.
If you would like to learn more about the floor bar and weight loss, This is where it happens !
THE cardio bar is the best of both worlds: cardio fitness and dance. Ideal for weight loss or simply for let off steam et talk, the cardio barre may be the right compromise for you. We'll explain it all to you!
THE cardio bar is, as you might guess, a mix of floor barre and cardio. In other words, this discipline draws its essence from the broad outlines of classic dance and fitness to combine the benefits of everyone!
The practice therefore combines:
For more information on the cardio bar, do not hesitate to consult our article!
Both ideal for body and for the mental, the cardio bar thus has many benefits.
Combining two disciplines makes it possible to perfectly complete the missing aspects of each practice and create a complete sport.
In fact, the ground bar lacks a more physical appearance allowing the breath. Cardio, for its part, can damage the joints such as the knees or even the ankles, which are places prone to injuries.
As a result, the bringing together of these two disciplines makes it possible to reduce the risk of injury, strengthening each part of the body in the right way.
Read our article if you want more details on the benefits of cardio barre.
There contemporary floor bar is a version of the floor bar mixed with inspirations from Pilates and of contemporary dance. We take stock!
There contemporary floor bar is therefore a mixture of several practices: contemporary dance and the Pilates, all done on the ground.
THE original codes of floor barre and classical dance are thus less respected. No need to put pointed feet all the way and perform the movements on the classical music.
Indeed, the contemporary floor bar integrates inspirations from the contemporary dance, of Pilates or even yoga. You thus tone your body by muscle work, posture, the balance and some coordination.
Like any discipline, the contemporary floor bar has many benefits that will surely thrill you:
To find out more about the contemporary floor bar, check out our article on the subject!
There classic floor bar is to be differentiated from the contemporary floor bar. Indeed, it takes its essence from classical dance and its codes. We'll explain it all to you!
There classic floor bar comes directly from the origin of the floor barre and therefore from classical dance.
Indeed, its postures and movements come from exercices d’échauffement à la barre classical dancers. They therefore aim tostretch the muscles and of work on flexibility of the body and joints.
As if you were doing classical dance, the classical floor barre allows you to maintain your body by:
If you are interested in the classic floor bar, go to our dedicated article!
You cannot differentiate between floor barre and yoga ? And yet, there are several points that allow them to be differentiated. We'll explain it to you.
Flexibility et breathing are part of the common points of barre and yoga. Indeed, these two aspects are called upon during their practice.
However, the floor barre and yoga do not have not the same objectives, THE same dimensions and the same origins.
Indeed, the floor bar is a discipline resulting from stretching and warm-ups classical dance. It therefore aims to make warm up the muscles and of prepare the body dancers to reduce the risk of injury.
Yoga, for its part, has more of a dimension of relaxation, listening to oneself based on the spirituality. L’enchaînement des positions est doux et la concentration est de mise.
If you are interested in both disciplines, there are courses in yoga barre, which allowcombine the benefits of each. In fact, they complement each other perfectly and provide relaxation, breathing, muscle strengthening and flexibility.
Yoga barre exercises are therefore inspired by classical dance and traditional yoga postures.
You would like to learn more about choosing the barre or yoga ? Check out our article!
Barre and Pilates are two distinct disciplines and yet they can work together! We'll explain how.
The common points between the barre and Pilates lie in their benefits :
Furthermore, these two disciplines are both accessible to all, no matter the level, L'age, there musculature, etc.
In terms of differences, this is mainly observed in the exercises performed. Indeed, barre exercises on the ground are, originally, more focused on positions elongated, sat Or prone.
For the classic floor bar, the sessions take place in a classic universe, notably through the music.
A session of Pilates bar, also called contemporary floor bar, thus perfectly blends the two practices. Grace, breathing and muscle strengthening are the key words of the Pilates bar!
To find out more about the Pilates bar and know how to distinguish between the floor barre and Pilates, consult our article on the subject.
As we have seen, there are different types of floor bar. However, despite their different characteristics, all types of floor bars come from the same discipline: the classic dance. So, the benefits are generally the same:
You are convinced by the ground bar ? Good news, you are in the right place!
Come discover the Barre method at POSES Studio and let yourself be guided by our coaches.
The Barre classes carried out at POSES Studio allow you to work your entire body effectively, with emphasis on the muscle strengthening and the developing your flexibility.
Each movement is repeated following the tempo of your favorite music. During 50 minutes, immerse yourself in a universe conducive to relaxation and sport !
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studios
6 rue de l'Echiquier, 75010 Paris
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studio Good News
6 rue de l'Échessboard, 75010 Paris
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