Découvrez des postures de yoga équilibrées qui renforcent votre stabilité. Améliorez votre pratique et votre bien-être.
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Can you combine yoga and bodybuilding? The answer is yes. Don't worry, it's not about becoming a bodybuilding star. It is yoga muscle strengthening. It is a quiet and intense practice at the same time. The advantage of this discipline is that you do not need external equipment to strengthen your muscles. Indeed, you are your own tool. It’s time to reveal the secrets of this yoga that will make you sweat!
Yoga is a gentle art but it is not limited to that. It is possible to build muscle and strengthen your body with muscle strengthening yoga. To gain more strength in your muscles, you can turn to different yoga methods. Discover the most effective forms.
Hatha yoga is the most suitable and complete style for working on your body. We can refer to the Sanskrit term which means “yoga of effort”. For good reason, thee Hatha is composed of different postures. There we find the Asanas which are the basic positions. THE Pranayama which aims to coordinate the breath with the movements. Finally, the Dhyana aims to relax you as much as possible. These 3 categories of postures form a tonic sequence of static postures. It is a question ofmuscle softening, stretching and muscle strengthening.
Do you want to know the difference between stetching or yoga ? We tell you more!
Hatha stands out from traditional yoga since it is based on the maintaining postures for a long time, 3 minutes. Also, these can be easy or difficult to do depending on your level. However, it remains accessible to everyone.
The postures are based on controlling your breath. They ask for a concentration work so you can coordinate your breathing with your movements. The poses will allow you to stabilize your postural muscles, of strengthen your shoulders, arms, legs and core. It's a complete activity since the drooping your positions and supporting your entire weight deeply strengthens all of your muscles and increases your muscular endurance.
Outre les bénéfices musculaires que la Hatha yoga apporte, il est aussi efficace pour rassembler vos énergies positives et négatives afin qu’elles puissent vivre de manière homogène dans votre corps et votre esprit. Il contribue à votre mental well-being, notably through reduction of stress, he helps you concentrate and memorize more and you get a light sleep. To achieve these results, it takes regular practice, patience and perseverance.
We cannot talk about Hatha yoga without Iyengar yoga! Indeed, the latter was developed in the 1960s by BKS Iyengar. He was keen to make yoga accessible to all by relying on 4 principes fondamentaux : l’alignement du corps, l’exécution correcte des poses, l’ordre de passage des positions et le temps de maintien des postures.
Iyengar yoga is based on asanas and pranayama just like Hatha yoga. The goal here is to find a balance between them. The goal is to concentrate on your breathing to perform the postures in order to develop your strength and strengthen your muscles.
But Iyengar yoga is very different from others. Indeed, to practice it, you will need accessories to help you apply the asanas but also to support your body. What media are we talking about? In Iyengar yoga, you will use straps, bricks, bolsters, chairs or even walls. Generally, the rooms are equipped with them.
Props are useful to avoid discomfort during postures and to pay attention to your alignment. They allow you to know if your body is well aligned and if the alignment is suitable for the chosen posture. The accessories are there to protect your body from any injury and to respect its limits.
The particularity of Iyengar is that the postures can be performed standing or sitting, which is not the case in all forms of yoga. Moreover, the sequences are created from scratch by the teachers. Even if the positions are greatly inspired by Hatha yoga, the shift is made by the appointment of positions which are exclusively in Sanskrit.
As for transitions from one posture to another, you may be surprised! They are done by jumping to give you momentum and energy to continue the exercises.
The proximity between the teacher and his students makes this yoga unique. Iyengar requires a certain rigor, which is why your teacher will give you details on how to accomplish each posture. It is very present compared to other yoga classes.
Iyengar yoga gives stability to your body and strengthens your muscles, but not only that. You will gain power in your limbs such as legs and arms. Alignment will help relieve back pain and improve circulation to your organs and blood.. On a psychological level, you will be less tired and you will be more mentally resilient.
A little slack? Yoga and fatigue go hand in hand, we explain everything to you!
Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that allows you to lighten your mind while strengthening your body at a fast pace based on the harmonization of breath and Vinyasa movement.
It is made up of 6 fixed series where the postures never change, ranging from the simplest to the most demanding. Each posture corresponds to a breath to help you become aware of each part of your body.
Each series begins the same way. Students practice sun salutations then with standing postures.
The first series consists of making positions to detoxify, align and soften your body, strengthen your muscles and focus on your state of mind.
The second follows the same process with the objective of work on your nervous system and examine your emotions.
Finally, there are 4 advanced series for teach you to synchronize your breathing with your movements.
Ashtanga helps strengthen your muscles, refine your figure and find balance between body and mind. If you want to know more about this type of yoga, read our article on yoga to lose weight in thighs.
Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic variation of Ashtanga yoga. Breathing placed at the same time as the movements is also the basis of this yoga. Like Ashtanga, the sequences of postures are fluid and continuous, similar to a choreography.. Between each posture, there is a dynamic transition. This practice also takes into account meditation and yoga relaxation session.
This discipline takes place in 3 stages:
Vinyasa yoga is physical. Transitions make you sweat, which is a good thing because you oxygenate your body. You use all your muscles, tone your body and work flexibly.
If you want to know more benefits of this yoga, read our article on Vinyasa yoga.
Do you want to try yoga to strengthen your muscles, but you don't know which postures are appropriate? We recommend 3 effective ones, you will see that yoga is good for meditation and for working your muscles!
You probably use it as a transition in sun salutations. But did you know that it is very effective for consolidate your abdominal strap ?
To set it up, start by kneeling on your floor or mat. Inhale and bring your chest forward. Place your hands so that your shoulders are above your wrists. Arms extended perpendicular to the ground. Your knees should come off the ground. Your lower back is lowered and your body should form a straight line. Contract your abdominals and hold this posture for 5 to 10 breaths.
This pose allows you to strengthen your abdominal muscles as well as your glutes, thighs, shoulders, chest and arms.
Attention squat lovers, this position is made for you! It's done a squat squat. It is an asana recommended if you want to strengthen several muscles.
To do this, put your feet together. Extend your arms and bend your knees as low as possible until you are squatting. Spread your legs so that there is space to place your arms. Place your arms inside your knees and bring your palms together. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
This way, you work on your flexibility, you strengthen your back and your thighs. And you put your ankles and feet into action.
It is recommended to practice this posture with accessories for more restorative effects.
First, lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor with your arms at your sides. Support yourself on your heels and lift your upper body off the ground, starting with your tailbone, mid-back and then your shoulder blades. Cross your hands below your back. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
You tone your legs, your butt and your hips. You soften your knees and stretch your neck.
Strengthening muscles through yoga is good, but what about the physical and mental benefits? We'll reveal them to you right away!
Doing a regular yoga practice to strengthen your muscles will bring you many benefits:
Let's not forget that the primary objective of yoga is to do good for the body and mind. Here is what your mind will no longer have to face:
Before leaving, a quick summary on muscle strengthening yoga.
To strengthen your muscles, there are two distinct families. Yogas dedicated to muscle strengthening such as Hatha yoga and Iyengar yoga. And thedynamic yogas, which have additional relaxation and meditation properties. Particularly Vinyasa yoga and Ashtanga yoga. Choose according to your preferences.
Next, we saw some exercises to do if you want to strengthen all your muscles or just a few.
The best for last, the physical and psychological benefits of muscle strengthening yoga.
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21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
POSES Studios
6 rue de l'Echiquier, 75010 Paris
POSES Studio Paris – Yoga, Pilates, Barre
21 rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003 Paris
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6 rue de l'Échessboard, 75010 Paris
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